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Three Simple Steps to Powerful Networking

Powerful networking is essential in any business, but seldom more so than in real estate investing. The best opportunities often come through a tip from someone in the know, rather than classified ads or even the MLS. How can you become an insider in the real estate investing information network?


  • Go where powerfully-connected people go. People in the know in local real estate, who can help you with everything from a business connection to a hot tip on an undiscovered property, tend to congregate at established civic clubs such as the Kiwanis and Junior League, and in public meetings of government organizations such as the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce.  And, real estate investors frequently form clubs known as Real Estate Investor’s Club’s for the purpose of making just the connections you are seeking. You may need to meet a member to find it and get in, though! Go online and see if there is a chapter of REIA (Real Estate Investor Association) in your city. This is a national organization with local chapters that are extremely helpful and member focused.


  • Be someone powerfully-networked people want to know. I don’t mean rich, handsome, beautiful, or already in on a great deal needing partners – although any of that will help! Self-confidence, integrity, and strong values should radiate from your personality. Powerful people already know many people with the right connections. What they need most in a new business friend are the values and energy that encourage their trust and confidence in you personally, as a potential partner or associate.


  • Follow through with your promises and commitments; prove yourself and win their confidence, trust, and high regard. A tip about powerful networking: powerfully-connected people meet hundreds of people every year – but very few ever become one of the key contacts that they trust and rely on. Prove that you are worthy to be a partner or associate by delivering on your commitments. This quality is more rare and valued than you might think!


Once you’ve managed to cross tracks with valuable contacts and manage an introduction, impress them with who you are as a person of integrity and ability, as well as your business acumen and energy. Rather than focusing on what you want from them, approach your new connections with what you can do for them uppermost in your mind.


“Meeting people” and “networking” are two different things! Powerful networking establishes business contacts that last through trustworthiness and delivering on commitments.

Do you have a tip to share for powerful networking?


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About Author

Andy Werner
Andrew J Warner

Real Estate and investing have been my passion for over 15 years. I love transforming a broken down distressed property into something that is fresh, updated and modern. My real estate investing career began in foreclosures, but I have also built new, worked direct with sellers, apartments, condo conversions, rentals, wholesale, commercial etc.

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