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Category Archives: Finanicing

Be the bank?

  Have you ever thought about what it is like to be the bank?   And, by “be the bank” I mean like Wells Fargo or Bank of America…where you have people bring you money all day every day and then you get to lend that money back out and make fees?   Being the bank is a pretty sweet gig. Let’s think about this for a moment. At your local bank you willingly give them your money for little to know interest in return. They lend out that money on the long term (mortgages) at low interest rates 3%-4%, Read more…

Why Businesses Should Borrow Using Credit Cards

By: Ari Page, business funding expert I never advocate that anyone borrow just to borrow. But if you need capital to flip houses, make payroll, invest in something that you know will reap a short-term profit, then you need access to capital. In the past few years, even though money has been tight, there have always been options. Banks always need to lend to stay in business. You just need to know where to look. Act I: Grandmother Isn’t Always Right One of Steve Martin’s earliest routines went something like this. “I’ll never forget what my grandmother taught me. She Read more…

ePIC mastermind LIVE 14

Empire property investing circle

Join Andrew J. Werner and his epic advisor panel at the must-attend mastermind event of the year --- epic live