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The E Myth by Michael Gerber–What Real Estate Investors Need to Know

If you feel your real estate investing business is running you, instead of you running it – if you feel you’ll never have time to do even half of your best project ideas – if you feel the endless list of daily tasks is getting in the way of business growth – you need to stop everything you are doing, and read “The E Myth” by Michael E. Gerber. If it is possible for one simple, well-organized book to save your future as a real estate investor business leader, this is the book.


Real estate investors are entrepreneurs of the first order, and subject to all the woes and worries that plague small and new businesses. Michael Gerber’s ideas will bring your thinking up out of the trees to see the forest and your pathway through it. He explains what your role should be in your business to lead it to success – you may be surprised that it is not what you thought!  Gerber goes on to demonstrate how successful, growing, small (even very small) businesses are able to select and use systems and efficiencies to grow – even if you thought your business was too small to need it.


Most important are the values and principals Gerber imparts through “The E Myth.” Yes, you should love almost every day of your work – no, you should not be soldiering bravely and endlessly through the part that you hate! There are ways to cover the basics without your daily involvement, ways that bring in more profits, not less due to extra costs. Your business should inspire your life and also that of your customers and employees, without being a grind.


  • How can you make sure your customers, partners, and associates receive quality every time, so they are delighted with their decision to go with you?
  • How do you motivate others to keep your business going while you prospect new territory?
  • How do you avoid becoming overwhelmed and discouraged?


 Gerber’s guidance has helped me keep a thriving real estate investment business going over the last 13 years.  And even more important, I’ve built on his ideas to keep the business adding vitality to my life and purpose to my reason for living.


“The E Myth” is one of the books I recommend most highly to real estate investors, as well as to any entrepreneur who wants to master their business and make it the most it can be!




Have you read “The E Myth” and what insight made the most difference to you?


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About Author

Andy Werner
Andrew J Warner

Real Estate and investing have been my passion for over 15 years. I love transforming a broken down distressed property into something that is fresh, updated and modern. My real estate investing career began in foreclosures, but I have also built new, worked direct with sellers, apartments, condo conversions, rentals, wholesale, commercial etc.

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