StreetWise Property Investing
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Invest in YOURSELF to Get Better Real Estate ROI

Putting your investment money to work generating the highest possible real estate ROI (Return On Investment) is what it’s all about.  Are you happy with the ROI on your last three projects?  I hope not – we can always look for ways to improve and do better!  What’s the best way to improve your ROI and enjoy more money from your real estate investment dollar?


Your most important tool, your most valuable resource and asset … is YOU!  You can’t always control market factors, partners, buyers, sellers, and all the random events that make real estate projects so interesting and challenging.  The one thing over which you have the most control is your personal development as a smarter and more knowledgeable investor.


Take the time, make the time, to add to your knowledge of all aspects of real estate investing, especially of the type of projects that most interest you.  Even if you think you have amassed a solid understanding of finding projects and making them work, there is always more to know that will add to your profits.  Reading articles and books, working with a professional advisor to refresh your strategies, taking courses, and online learning are all opportunities to open your eyes to new possibilities for making more money.


Are there aspects of this or that project you felt you could have understood better for smarter decisions?  Anything from rehab tips to zoning – explore what you can do better, or find others with specialized expertise that can add to your profit margin.  Also, stay current on the latest information on neighborhoods and city projects in online local newspapers, blogs and websites. Don’t overlook the value of a lunch chat with others who have knowledge of interest to you.


Are you interested in expanding the types of projects you undertake?  Would you like to branch out from fix-and-flips to buy-and-hold rentals to add a continuing stream of rental cash flow to your program?  Your real estate investment program advisor should provide valuable insight into broader strategies.


You have more time than you think.  Sometimes just a few minutes of break time or waiting time is enough to peruse an informative article and gain a basic understanding of the content.  Websites such as the Wall Street Journal Market Watch and can keep you current on national markets and give you the heads-up on emerging trends.  Specialized knowledge from sites such as (easily-readable legal information) may present solutions you didn’t know existed.  Don’t underestimate audio books while you drive – it is amazing how much of an audio book you can absorb in just a 15 minute trip.


Investing in yourself, through paid learning programs or through independent self-study, will add more to your long-term profits than any other deal in history. 



What have you done that added the most to your personal ROI?


Click our “Resources” tab and find 3 ways to continue your exploration of real estate investing.

About Author

Andy Werner
Andrew J Warner

Real Estate and investing have been my passion for over 15 years. I love transforming a broken down distressed property into something that is fresh, updated and modern. My real estate investing career began in foreclosures, but I have also built new, worked direct with sellers, apartments, condo conversions, rentals, wholesale, commercial etc.

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